
Columbus, OH

Position Desired

Healthcare Management
Columbus, OH



TH E O H I O S TA TE U N I VE RS I TY , Columbus, Ohio June 2011
College of Public Health
• Masters of Health Care Administration

TH E O H I O S TA TE U N I VE RS I TY , Columbus, Ohio June 2008
College of Human Ecology
• Bachelor of Science in Nutrition with a minor in Business

AR CAD I A U N I V E R S I T Y, Florence, Italy Summer 2006
Study Abroad

HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY GROUP, Columbus, Ohio June 2011-Present
Project Manager
• Coordinate project management tasks, including planning, budget analysis, written and oral communication, and
• Oversee project design, data abstraction, data collection, and ensure high quality report deliverables
• Develop and adhere to project timelines, identify opportunities to improve the project process, and develop quality
improvement activities
• Assure contract tasks meet client and budget requirements

TH E J A M E S C O M P RE H E N S I VE C A N C E R C E N TE R , Columbus, Ohio Summer 2011
Administrative Resident
• Chemotherapy Throughput
o Gathered data points from four chemotherapy locations to determine the duration of time
patients spent on the floor, and what services were provided to the patients while they were on the
o Developed a database to ongoing benchmark the chemotherapy throughput each month at all four
o Worked with physicians and clinicians at each location to standardize the data collection process and
stress the importance of capturing precise data

• GI Clinic
o Conducted a focused time study with 10 individual patients starting from registration to check out and
developed a value stream map based on the study. The value stream map identified areas of inefficiency
and waste
o Observed during clinic hours to watch the team dynamic and interactions; developed an action plan to
improve the patient experience and cohesiveness of staff members

• Operational Metrics
o Worked with a team to determine most useful metrics for executive level use when making high level
business decisions
o Produced and presented a comprehensive data presentation to the chief executive that included
inpatient, ambulatory, perioperative, financial, staffing, operating and quality metrics
o Built a master database to store and update data on a routine basis

• Dental Services
o Worked with the executive level to build a multi-disciplinary approach for ENT cancer patients
o Conducted benchmarking research with 11 NCI CCC as it relates to the treatment and follow up
needs for head and neck cancer patients, as well as side effects for patients on bisphosphonate
o Internal patient population analysis followed by a cost benefit analysis to determine the cost of providing
dental screenings to patients verses the cost of treating patients for conditions that could have been
prevented with a dental screening

OH I O S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y P H Y S I C I A N S , Columbus, Ohio Oct ‘08-March ‘09
Surgery and Consultation Scheduler
• Operated the surgery schedule for six OB/GYN physicians
• Worked daily with central OR scheduling at The Ohio State University
• Communicated and scheduled consultations for patients including mammograms, bone densities, nutrition
consultations and biopsies
• Point of contact between the physician and the patient

DR . J E A NNI NE K . T E L L , Columbus, Ohio Summer 2008

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